Benvenuti in TANABATA ようこそ !!
Benvenuti in TANABATA ようこそ !!
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建仁寺の四季  KENNINJI Temple through the four seasons
建仁寺の四季  KENNINJI Temple through the four seasons
建仁寺の四季  KENNINJI Temple through the four seasons

建仁寺の四季 KENNINJI Temple through the four seasons

Prezzo di listino €32,00 €0,00

di Mizuno Katsuhiko - edizioni Toho Shuppan, 2003  ISBN 9784885918742

a colori formato 21 x 22 cm

Libro fotografico per scoprire i più importanti templi antichi di Kyoto, nei colori delle quattro stagioni.

三門より法堂 春光/勅使門/放生池 清和/望闕楼上より法堂 瑞々し/庫裡 桜 春日/開山堂楼門 紅しだれ桜 麗らか/紅しだれ桜 華麗/三門(望闕楼) 松の翠/大方丈庭園 大雄苑/花頭窓より 大雄苑〔ほか〕

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