The Food of Japan
CB737The Food of Japan, Authentic Recipes from the Land of the Rising Sun
Periplus Ed. 1996, 132 pag,,formato 19,7x23,5x0,6 cm.
di Kosaki T. e W. Wagner
Una panoramica sufficientemente esaustiva, in lingua inglese, dei fondamenti della cucina giapponese raggruppati in 70 ricette di ogni tipo di cucina salutare concludendo con i dolci.
This volume offers a compact but thorough survey of the fundamentals of Japanese food, highlighted by more than 70 recipes. A long, helpful glossary of ingredients precedes the recipes, and brief essays on the evolution of Japanese food are informative (e.g., the impact of shojin ryori?the "vegetarian Buddhist temple fare"?with its emphasis on providing five colors and six tastes in a meal). Recipes are "grouped to follow the basic pattern of a Japanese meal" rather than by main ingredient. Starters include clear soups, vegetables and sashimi. Entrees range from sushi to yakitori (chicken on skewers) to remarkable fish recipes such as Kelp-Grilled Tuna, in which the miso-and ginger-seasoned tuna is baked in kelp; also featured are duck, pork and beef dishes. Subtle desserts include the ever-popular Green-Tea Ice Cream. This concise, practical cookbook is a solid introduction to a particularly beautiful and healthy cuisine.